Veteran actor Mukesh Khanna, best known for portraying the iconic superhero Shaktimaan, recently revealed that he once rejected an offer from Yash Raj Films (YRF) to sell the character’s rights. During an interview with Siddharth Kannan on YouTube, Khanna discussed why he turned down the proposal and expressed his views on potential actors for a Shaktimaan reboot.
Mukesh Khanna’s Encounter with YRF Mukesh Khanna shared that Aditya Chopra’s team approached him a decade ago with a proposition to acquire the rights to Shaktimaan. Recalling the conversation, Khanna said, “Ten years ago, I was contacted by Aditya Chopra’s group. They asked me if I could give them the rights to Shaktimaan.” He added, “At that time, coincidentally, Ranveer Singh’s fan-made picture as Shaktimaan surfaced on social media. And then, suddenly, I got this call for the rights. I said, ‘Rights nahin doonga main (I won’t give the rights).'”
Khanna explained that he was concerned about the creative direction YRF might take with the character. He stated, “I told them, ‘Tell Aditya, whoever he is, if you want to make it, make it with me.’ I didn’t want to give away the rights only for them to make a disco drama. I refused.” Casting Preferences for Shaktimaan Earlier, in a video posted on his YouTube channel, Khanna expressed his views on actors who could potentially reprise the role of Shaktimaan on the big screen. While he acknowledged Allu Arjun as a viable candidate, he ruled out Ranveer Singh. “I think I have to watch more Allu Arjun films. Also, let me go out on a limb and say that he has it in him to be Shaktimaan. I am not saying he is doing it or anything. I’m just suggesting that it would look good on him. He has the personality to pull it off,” Khanna remarked.
Also Read: Mukesh Khanna aka Shaktimaan takes a dig at Akshay Kumar playing Prithviraj Chauhan; says, “Sirf muche aur wig lagaake thodi na ban sakte hai?”
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